Mackay Regional Council

Mackay Regional Council

Mackay Regional Council

1,300 employees

Mackay City, Queensland, Australia

At Harrisons, we take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional services to our clients, helping them build strong, efficient, and thriving organisations. Our partnership with the Mackay Regional Council exemplifies our commitment to providing value and achieving outstanding results. In this case study, we will showcase our expertise in three key areas: recruitment for new Human Resources professional employees, the design and management of its first Graduate Recruitment and Development Program, and the provision of workplace relations expertise.

Client Background:
Mackay Regional Council, a prominent local government authority, sought to enhance its human resources capacity and capabilities. The Council recognised the need to attract skilled HR professionals, establish a structured graduate program, and handle workplace relations matters efficiently.


  • Recruitment for New HR Professional Employees: Mackay Regional Council faced difficulties in recruiting qualified and experienced HR professionals tailored to their specific needs. The process was time-consuming, and they struggled to attract top talent to the regional area.
  • Design and Management of a Graduate Recruitment and Development Program: The Council sought to establish a comprehensive graduate program to identify, nurture, and retain promising young professionals. However, they lacked the expertise to design and manage such a program effectively.
  • Provision of Workplace Relations Expertise: Handling workplace investigations, unfair dismissal claims, and disciplinary processes can be complex and legally sensitive. The Council required expert guidance to ensure fair and compliant procedures.


Recruitment for New HR Professional Employees: We started by conducting a thorough analysis of Mackay Regional Council’s HR requirements and understanding their organisational culture. We collaborated closely with their HR department to define the specific roles and qualifications needed. Leveraging our extensive network and targeted sourcing strategies, we attracted a diverse pool of qualified candidates. Our rigorous selection process, including behavioural assessments and comprehensive interviews, ensured that only the most suitable candidates progressed.

Design and Management of a Graduate Recruitment and Development Program: Our team worked closely with the Council to craft a tailored graduate program that aligned with their strategic objectives. We assisted in creating attractive job descriptions, appealing to young professionals. Through a multifaceted marketing approach, we engaged with universities and promoted the program through various channels. As applications poured in, we skillfully evaluated and shortlisted candidates, identifying those who best fit the Council’s needs. Our planning for development and ongoing support and mentorship will help the graduates integrate seamlessly into their roles.

Provision of Workplace Relations Expertise: Understanding the sensitivity of workplace relations matters, we provided Mackay Regional Council with highly experienced workplace relations consultants. Our consultants collaborated with the council to establish clear policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations. In cases of workplace investigations, unfair dismissal claims, or disciplinary processes, our team handled the procedures meticulously, maintaining transparency and fairness throughout.


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Working with Harrisons was a game-changer for Mackay Regional Council. Their dedication, expertise, and seamless project management have transformed our HR function and created a dynamic graduate program. Their workplace relations support has been invaluable in maintaining a harmonious work environment. We highly recommend Harrisons to any organisation seeking exceptional HR services.

Rod Francisco, Manager People and Culture, Mackay Regional Council.


Recruitment for New HR Professional Employees: Our collaborative approach led to the successful placement of skilled HR professionals within Mackay Regional Council. The candidates we sourced complemented the organisation’s culture, and their contributions positively impacted the Council’s HR department.

Design and Management of a Graduate Recruitment and Development Program: The Council’s first Graduate Recruitment and Development Program was a resounding success. Our careful selection process resulted in enthusiastic and motivated graduates. The program will help foster a strong talent pipeline.

Provision of Workplace Relations Expertise: With our guidance, Mackay Regional Council navigated workplace relations matters with confidence and professionalism. Our expertise helped mitigate risks and ensure compliance, resulting in fair resolutions and strengthened employee relations.

Our collaboration with Mackay Regional Council exemplifies our commitment to delivering outstanding results and providing unparalleled value to our clients. At Harrisons, we are passionate about building strong and lasting relationships with our clients while making a positive impact on their organisations. If you seek innovative and effective HR solutions tailored to your needs, we are ready to partner with you on your journey to success.

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