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Etiquette to Sexting – Do you have a Policy?

Following on from our blog post earlier in the week, the story of  Queensland State MP Peter “Coq Au Vin” Dowling has gained extensive media coverage nationally, including national newspapers, news programs, and even featuring in overseas news!

A key consideration for all employers is – what does your mobile device policy say about texting, specifically sexting?  Do you have a mobile device policy?  Does it cover personal usage?  How do you monitor such usage?  Are you comfortable for non work related sexting to occur – assuming its not against the law?  What about sexting between employees – acceptable?  Sexual harassment?  The case of Coq Au Vin is such an interesting one that raises issues for all employers to consider.

We thought we’d add some humour to the topic in the form of Ben Pobjie of the ABC has’s article, “Pobjie’s Simple Guide To Trouble-Free Sexting”.  Pobjie’s key pieces of advice include:

  1. Don’t send anyone a picture of your penis in a glass of wine. This is non-negotiable even if you include a funny caption such as “Look at the elephant drinking from the waterhole”. Of course, Pobjie says, this is not to say that you should never put your penis in beverages at all.  But there’s no need to photograph it!  And even less to send it over via mobile networks!
  2. Show a bit of variety. Pobjie says it’s all very well to send your girlfriend pictures of your bits, but mix it up a bit. Maybe in between the penis shots, throw in a few photos of your new lounge suite, or some nice pics of your trip to the Barossa Valley.  And when your girlfriend gets angry at you and goes to the press, the public reaction is naturally going to be, “Why couldn’t this weirdo stop taking photos of his wang?”  And while on the subject of what your girlfriend will do when she’s angry…
  3. Don’t make your girlfriend angry. According to Pobjie this is a pretty simple rule: if your girlfriend isn’t angry, she can’t forward your picturesque tumescence to the baying hounds of the media. When you make a decision to embark on a career of dong circulation, you make a decision to be very, very nice to anyone you circulate to. That’s just the price you have to pay. One could say that Peter Dowling’s greatest mistake was upsetting his lady love.

To read Pobjie’s full article go to:

Harrison Human Resources Is A Brisbane Based Human Resources And Recruitment Consulting Firm.  If You Need A Policy Or Clarity Around Your Requirements For Sexting Please Contact Harrison Human Resources On 1300 001 447 Or Email Info@Hhr.Com.Au.


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