Claire Harrison

Claire Harrison is the Founder and Managing Director of Harrisons, a flourishing HR consulting business that sprouted in 2009 from Claire’s passionate belief that inspiring leaders and superstar employees are the key success factor to any business. With over 20 years’ experience, Claire has worked as a HR Director of multi-national organisations, as a Non-Executive Board Director, and a small business owner. Claire’s corporate career includes working with companies such as BHP, Westpac, Fonterra and Mayne Nickless.

Claire Harrison
Human Resources Consultants

Changes for Australian Employers from 1 July 2024: Key Updates and Practical Tips

From 1 July 2024, several significant changes impacting employers in Australia will come into effect. These changes, stemming from the Fair Work Commission’s annual wage review and various legislative updates, will influence wages, superannuation, independent contractor rights, unfair dismissal compensation, delegates’ rights, and the handling of casual employment. Understanding and preparing for these changes is

Changes for Australian Employers from 1 July 2024: Key Updates and Practical Tips Read More »

social media for recruitment

Building a Strong Employer Brand on Social Media

In today’s competitive job market, leveraging social media for recruitment is no longer optional; it’s essential. Social media platforms have transformed the way businesses attract, engage, and hire talent. During our recent webinar, “Unlock the Power of Social Media in Recruitment,” we delved into the strategies and best practices for using social media to enhance

Building a Strong Employer Brand on Social Media Read More »

federal budget for employers and HR

Advice for Australian Employers on the New Federal Budget

The recent release of the Australian Federal Budget brings several key changes and initiatives that will impact businesses and employers across the country. Harrisons, as your HR business partner, are here to help you navigate these changes and optimise your operations in light of the new budget. Key Impacts on Employers: Job Creation and Skills

Advice for Australian Employers on the New Federal Budget Read More »

diversity at work

Bridging the Gender Gap: Urgent Actions for Australian Business Leaders

Bridging the Gender Gap: Diversity and Equality – In light of the latest findings from the 2024 Status of Women Report Card, it’s evident that sex discrimination remains a pervasive issue in Australia, affecting various aspects of women’s lives from economic equality to workplace dynamics. Harrisons, as an HR consultancy committed to promoting equality and

Bridging the Gender Gap: Urgent Actions for Australian Business Leaders Read More »

Neuroleadership, Inclusive Leadership

Leading with the Mind in Mind: The Neuroleadership Path to Inclusion

The role of neuroleadership in cultivating a more inclusive leadership style is an evolving and fascinating subject. Neuroleadership is grounded in understanding the mechanisms of the brain to enhance leadership capabilities. It is informed by neuroscience research that suggests our brains are wired to respond to certain social threats and rewards in ways that are

Leading with the Mind in Mind: The Neuroleadership Path to Inclusion Read More »

Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work

Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work

The genesis of the new regulation can be traced back to the 2018 Boland Review of the Model OHS Laws, which identified a significant gap in how psychological health was addressed in the existing laws. The review highlighted stakeholders’ concerns that psychological health is often neglected and recommended further regulation to provide clear, practical guidance.

Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work Read More »

Fair Work Act Closing Loopholes

Closing Loopholes: Additional Fair Work Act Changes

In a significant step towards reinforcing workplace fairness, the Australian Government announced the ‘Closing Loopholes’ initiative, building on the initial legislative amendments introduced in December 2023. This recent development aims to address gaps within the current framework, ensuring a more equitable work environment for all. As these changes unfold, it’s imperative for employers and employees

Closing Loopholes: Additional Fair Work Act Changes Read More »

Skill Shortages


Skill shortages in the workforce pose a significant challenge for businesses, particularly in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving market demands. In Australia, addressing skill shortages is not just about filling vacancies; it’s about strategic workforce planning and ensuring long-term business sustainability. HR professionals play a critical role in navigating these shortages,


Mental Health at Work


In recent years, the issue of mental health in the workplace has come to the forefront, emerging as a crucial aspect of employee well-being and organisational health. Globally, business leaders are recognising the importance of addressing mental health proactively and with care. The challenge lies in creating a work environment that not only acknowledges mental


Gig Economy


The gig economy, characterised by its flexible, freelance, and often digital nature, is reshaping the global workforce. This trend, increasingly prevalent in Australia and across the globe, represents a significant shift in how work is perceived, engaged, and managed. For businesses, leaders, and HR professionals, understanding and strategically integrating gig work into their operations is


Data Driven Decision Making


In an age where data is queen, the field of Human Resources is undergoing a seismic shift towards data-driven decision-making. The integration of People Analytics into HR practices is not just a trend; it’s a revolution that is reshaping the landscape of workforce management. By harnessing the power of data, HR professionals can unlock insights,


Employment Law Compliance


In today’s rapidly evolving legal landscape, staying abreast of regulatory compliance and changing employment laws is paramount for businesses, people leaders, company directors, and entrepreneurs globally. As workplaces become more diverse and the nature of work more complex, understanding and adhering to these changing regulations is not just about legal necessity but also about fostering


HR Tech and Digitalization


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation and technology integration have become more than buzzwords; they are essential strategies for staying competitive. This is especially true in the field of Human Resources, where technological advancements offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance efficiency and employee engagement. As HR professionals seek to navigate these changes, understanding and


Generative AI at Work


The advent of Generative AI marks a groundbreaking evolution in the world of Human Resources. This cutting-edge technology is reshaping how HR departments operate, offering innovative solutions to traditional challenges. By leveraging Generative AI, HR professionals can automate and enhance various aspects of their work, from recruitment to employee engagement, setting the stage for a


Remote and Flexible Work


The landscape of work has undergone a transformative shift towards remote and flexible work models. This change, accelerated by global events and technological advancements, has become a strategic imperative for businesses. In Australia, as in many parts of the world, adopting remote and flexible work practices is not just a response to immediate needs but


Diversity Equity Inclusion


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become more than just HR buzzwords; they represent a fundamental shift in workplace culture and strategy. For business leaders and organisations of all sizes and types globally, embracing DEI is not just a moral imperative but a business necessity. The focus on DEI is intensifying, with clear evidence that


Employee Experience


In the current business climate, the concept of employee experience and engagement has taken centre stage, emerging as a pivotal factor in organisational success. Understanding and enhancing employee experience is not just an HR initiative but a strategic imperative for business leaders worldwide. It involves creating a workplace environment that fosters satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty.


2023 Trends in Human Resources 2024


The landscape of Human Resources is constantly evolving, and 2023 has been a pivotal year in shaping future trends. As we look towards 2024, it’s essential for HR managers, leaders, executives, company directors, and SME business owners to not only understand these trends but also strategise effectively to leverage them. This article explores the top


Mental Health First Aid

Prioritising Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace

In today’s fast-paced world, where the line between personal and professional lives often blurs, there’s an increasing need for organisations to acknowledge the importance of mental health in the workplace. Stress, burnout, and mental illnesses can severely impact not only the individual suffering but the company’s overall productivity and morale. One proactive approach to address

Prioritising Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace Read More »

people at work

50 Ideas: People and Culture Strategy in a Changing World

The workplace is rapidly evolving, influenced by technology, new HR trends, global events, and changing employee and societal expectations. Keeping up requires innovation, foresight, and adaptability. Below are 50 strategies to ensure you not only attract and retain the best talent but also enhance productivity and alignment with organisational goals, even amidst challenges: 1. Foster

50 Ideas: People and Culture Strategy in a Changing World Read More »

Churches of Christ

Navigating Restructuring & Downsizing: A Human-Centric Approach in Tough Economic Times

In hard economic times, businesses often face the challenging decision of restructuring and downsizing. While this decision is primarily driven by financial imperatives, the method by which it is executed can have profound implications on a company’s people, culture, and overall workplace environment. The process of restructuring and redundancy should not only focus on balance

Navigating Restructuring & Downsizing: A Human-Centric Approach in Tough Economic Times Read More »

Increasing Employee Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility

Employee engagement and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are two critical components of a successful and sustainable business. Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment and dedication employees have towards their organisation, leading to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty. On the other hand, corporate social responsibility entails a company’s efforts to contribute positively to society,

Increasing Employee Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility Read More »

What are the Mandatory Employee Benefits of 2023 – to attract and retain great employees

Recent changes in society, economy, and technology are just some of the reasons that have led to a significant change in expectations of the Mandatory Employee Benefits of 2023 that every employer must offer to attract and retain people with the capabilities that meet organisational need. There are several mandatory employee benefits and entitlements that

What are the Mandatory Employee Benefits of 2023 – to attract and retain great employees Read More »

How diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) makes for a thriving work environment

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become crucial factors for fostering a positive work environment and driving organisational success. Implementing effective strategies for DEI is not only a matter of fairness and social responsibility but also a business imperative. In this blog, we will explore various strategies for implementing

How diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) makes for a thriving work environment Read More »

Why upskilling trumps hiring externally

Upskilling and reskilling of existing employees is a highly a valuable strategy for companies to maintain a skilled workforce and remain competitive in today’s fast-changing business environment. Why upskill and reskill employees versus hiring new employees? Cost-effectiveness: Upskilling or reskilling an existing employee can be more cost-effective than hiring a new employee, as it eliminates

Why upskilling trumps hiring externally Read More »

How to boost employee engagement and motivation

Employee engagement and motivation are crucial for the success of any organisation. Motivated employees are productive, efficient, and more likely to stay with the company for longer periods. Here are some key benefits of having motivated employees: 1. Increased productivity: Motivated employees are more productive and efficient in their work. They take ownership of their

How to boost employee engagement and motivation Read More »

Managing mental health in the workplace and making reasonable adjustments

Today’s workforce expects employers to take mental health issues seriously and provide appropriate support and assistance. While the vast majority of employers do see mental health as a priority, some struggle to both understand it and to know what their responsibilities are in regards to making reasonable adjustments within the workplace. To start with, we

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Understanding sexual harrassment laws and fostering positive duty in the workplace

Sexual harassment is, very unfortunately, a much too common experience in the workplace. The 2018 Sexual Harassment Survey revealed that 1 in 3 Australian workers reported having experienced sexual harassment in the previous 5 years and only 17% of those people made a complaint. Many were afraid to report their experiences out of fear of

Understanding sexual harrassment laws and fostering positive duty in the workplace Read More »

The powers of the Fair Work Ombudsman and how to avoid underpaying employees

There have been a number of recent cases of the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) cracking down on organisations underpaying employees. For example – in 2018, the FWO dished out more than $192,000 in penalties to former 7-Eleven operators who underpaid vulnerable workers. Additionally, the FWO alleged in 2021 that Woolworths Group Limited underpaid 70 employees

The powers of the Fair Work Ombudsman and how to avoid underpaying employees Read More »

Restructuring vs Redundancy – what are the differences and how to ensure compliance

Both restructuring and redundancy are tricky processes to navigate for any sized business. It’s unwise to go down these paths without the right knowledge or expert guidance to make sure your organisation doesn’t stray into non-compliance. Employees are afforded several protection rights during restructuring processes and redundancy decisions, therefore the onus is on the employer

Restructuring vs Redundancy – what are the differences and how to ensure compliance Read More »

Understanding general protection claims and how to protect against them

The concept of general protection claims is something not always fully understood by employers and is often confused with unfair dismissal claims. Unfair dismissal laws protect specifically against an unfair, harsh or unjust dismissal. On the other hand, general protection claims are more broad and deal with the fundamental rights of an employee. General protections

Understanding general protection claims and how to protect against them Read More »

Dealing with underperforming employees – a guide to procedural fairness

The decision to dismiss an employee based on unsatisfactory performance, or otherwise step in to formally address the issue, is a challenge that most employers have to face at one point. It can be a stressful and confronting prospect, especially for managers who do not want to, or do not know how to, conduct effective

Dealing with underperforming employees – a guide to procedural fairness Read More »

Long periods of leave – returning to work and avoiding dismissal claims

Safe Work Australia estimates that 500,000 Australians sustain a work-related injury or illness annually. This represents an economic cost of AU$68.1 billion. The Australian’s workers compensation system bears direct costs of AU$9 billion per annum in income support, treatment and rehabilitation and lump sum payments. Employers also face indirect and direct costs whenever a worker

Long periods of leave – returning to work and avoiding dismissal claims Read More »

Dealing with workplace disputes – strategies for avoiding and resolving conflict internally

The modern workplace is a diverse environment. With people of all different ages and backgrounds working together, conflicts both minor and major in nature are bound to occur. This means that employers need to be flexible with their conflict resolution strategies. One size fits all doesn’t apply as each demographic has their own values, behaviours,

Dealing with workplace disputes – strategies for avoiding and resolving conflict internally Read More »

Employer obligations when handling employee personal information

A look at privacy and disclosure As a matter of routine, businesses collect a great deal of personal information about potential and current employees. There is the obvious basic information that most people don’t think twice about disclosing to an employer, like their full name and their work experience. However, employers are often required to

Employer obligations when handling employee personal information Read More »

Talent attraction & retention – How to find talent and keep them

When I reflect on the past two years, I never imagined it would lead us to where we find ourselves today – scrambling to find talent and desperately trying to hold onto the talent we have! No one imagined the world could effectively stop spinning on its axis and international and domestic travel paused indefinitely. 

Talent attraction & retention – How to find talent and keep them Read More »

Navigating Remote Working Requests and Arrangements

Many businesses were thrown into involuntary work-from-home arrangements when the COVID-19 pandemic first struck. For many employers it worked well, for others it was more challenging. The issue remains divisive for both employers and employees around the world. Once restrictions had mostly eased off in June 2022, Elon Musk famously ordered Tesla staff to return

Navigating Remote Working Requests and Arrangements Read More »

Employee or contractor – a look at recent High Court decisions in Australia

Whether a worker is classified as an employee or contractor is a legal issue which keeps on evolving. Disputes and claims have risen over the years in relation to contractors who should have been classified as employees missing out on entitled paid benefits. Recent High Court rulings have shown a bit of a change in

Employee or contractor – a look at recent High Court decisions in Australia Read More »

Are employers liable for the conduct of employees outside of work hours?

The lines between work and play have become increasingly blurry over recent years. If you think about how workplaces were 40 years ago, so much has changed. Most communications used to be sent by fax or letters in the (snail) mail. Working from home was not a ‘thing’. There were no mobile phones. People clocked

Are employers liable for the conduct of employees outside of work hours? Read More »

Minimum wage decision: Fair Work Commission 5.2% increase

The national minimum wage will increase to $812.60 per week, or $21.38 per hour, after a decision by the Commission exceeds the government’s suggested 5.1% increase. The Commission decided to increase modern award minimum wages by 4.6% subject to a minimum increase for adult award classifications of $40 per week (full-time). The increase is effective

Minimum wage decision: Fair Work Commission 5.2% increase Read More »

Dismissing an Employee – What to Consider

Dismissing an employee is an unfortunate but important part of business, and if not done correctly, can cost an organisation time, money and reputation. To avoid these issues, and to minimise any risk of unfair dismissal cases, there are a number of factors to consider when working through this process. Procedural Fairness Termination of employment

Dismissing an Employee – What to Consider Read More »

Frontline Leadership – What does it take to succeed?

In Australia we are currently facing a candidate driven market, signifying the employment market is rich in jobs, and poor in available talent. When you consider that over 64% of employees leave roles due to poor management and leadership it has never been more crucial that your management team are strong leaders, with no role

Frontline Leadership – What does it take to succeed? Read More »

The business benefits of supporting mental health

The physical and emotional health of your people has a significant impact on their work performance and productivity. Increasingly, employees are experiencing bouts of psychological illness, which often result in extended absences or periods of low or non-existent productivity. The more we learn about mental health, the clearer it becomes that it may have a

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4 tips for preventing poor performance

There’s a strong link between a company’s financial performance and an effective and aligned goal-setting process. When employees understand the connection between their individual efforts and the organisation’s strategic aims, the business benefits are: Increased operating margins Quicker execution of company strategy Reduced employee turnover Here are our tips to help you create a better

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4 steps to finding the right person for the right job

You have one task: hire the right person for the right job. Sounds easy task, right? Yet, time and again, great people are employed into unsuitable positions. So, what’s going wrong? One of the common mistakes we see is managers promoting people beyond their capability. Many leaders we talk to have an honourable intention; they

4 steps to finding the right person for the right job Read More »

Video: 6. JobKeeper-How do I approach employees to reduce pay or hours if we don’t qualify for JobKeeper?

Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources has recorded a series of short 2-minute videos on how to navigate JobKeeper and other options to reduce employee costs during this difficult time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic recession. Q6. How do I approach employees to reduce pay or

Video: 6. JobKeeper-How do I approach employees to reduce pay or hours if we don’t qualify for JobKeeper? Read More »

Video: 5. JobKeeper-What are the other new provisions of the Fair Work Act for qualifying JobKeeper employer?

Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources has recorded a series of short 2-minute videos on how to navigate JobKeeper and other options to reduce employee costs during this difficult time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic recession. Q5 What are the other new provisions of the Fair

Video: 5. JobKeeper-What are the other new provisions of the Fair Work Act for qualifying JobKeeper employer? Read More »

Video: 4. JobKeeper-What are the JobKeeper Enabled Change of Duties and Location Directions?

Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources has recorded a series of short 2-minute videos on how to navigate JobKeeper and other options to reduce employee costs during this difficult time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic recession. Q4. What are the JobKeeper Enabling Change of Duties and

Video: 4. JobKeeper-What are the JobKeeper Enabled Change of Duties and Location Directions? Read More »

Video: 3. JobKeeper-What is the JobKeeper Enabling Stand Down Direction?

Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources has recorded a series of short 2-minute videos on how to navigate JobKeeper and other options to reduce employee costs during this difficult time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic recession. Q3 What is the JobKeeper Enabling Stand Down Direction?  

Video: 3. JobKeeper-What is the JobKeeper Enabling Stand Down Direction? Read More »

Video: 2. JobKeeper-What are the specific JobKeeper options to reduce employee costs?

Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources has recorded a series of short 2-minute videos on how to navigate JobKeeper and other options to reduce employee costs during this difficult time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic recession. Q2 What are the specific JobKeeper options to reduce employee

Video: 2. JobKeeper-What are the specific JobKeeper options to reduce employee costs? Read More »

Video: 1. JobKeeper-What are my options to reduce employee costs?

Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources has recorded a series of short 2-minute videos on how to navigate JobKeeper and other options to reduce employee costs during this difficult time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic recession. Q1 What are my options to reduce employee costs?  

Video: 1. JobKeeper-What are my options to reduce employee costs? Read More »

Coronavirus (Covid-19): Guide for Employers

COVID-19 continues to spread across the world with increasing case numbers in a growing number of countries on several continents. As at 9 March 2020 there had been 109,577 confirmed cases and 3,809 deaths, with 25 per cent of cases and 18 per cent of deaths outside of mainland China. Importantly, COVID-19 has now spread to cover 104 countries. Download Coronavirus Employee

Coronavirus (Covid-19): Guide for Employers Read More »

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What is wage theft & how can employers meet workplace obligations?

We’ve all seen the recent headlines – large companies like Woolworths, Domino’s Pizza, 7-11 and George Calombaris’s hospitality group publicly admitting to underpaying thousands of employees to the tune of millions of dollars. Many employees and employers alike have wondered – how can such mistreatment happen in this day and age? How have these businesses been getting away with it for so

What is wage theft & how can employers meet workplace obligations? Read More »

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Video: HR tips on leading through covid-19 & recession

Last week Claire Harrison, Founder and Managing Director of HR consulting and outsourcing company, Harrison Human Resources presented on the topic of Wrangling Your Small Business Team (during Coronavirus and economic recession) to a group of small and medium sized business leaders and here is the video of the presentation. Claire founded Harrison Human Resources

Video: HR tips on leading through covid-19 & recession Read More »

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How to recognise and address mental health issues in the workplace

Mental health is an ongoing and prevalent health concern within Australia and this is being reflected in our workplaces.  In fact, one in five Australians aged 16-85 experience a mental illness in any given year. The most common mental illnesses are depression, anxiety, bi-polar and substance use disorder. It is estimated that untreated mental health

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WorkPac v Skene Case: Can casual employees claim annual leave entitlements?

Typically, casual employees are not entitled to such things as paid annual, personal or compassionate leave.  Instead, they receive a loading to compensate for the absence of those and other entitlements of permanent employment. You may or may not have heard mention of the WorkPac v Skene case recently. It has certainly caused a stir in regard

WorkPac v Skene Case: Can casual employees claim annual leave entitlements? Read More »

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Minimum Wage and Modern Award Wages Increase by 3% – 2019 Decision

On 30 May 2019 the Fair Work Commission handed down its decision regarding an increase to the National Minimum Wage. The Commission determined that it was appropriate to increase the minimum wage by 3%. The national minimum wage will increase to $740.80 per week, or $19.49 per hour. This constitutes an increase of $21.60 per

Minimum Wage and Modern Award Wages Increase by 3% – 2019 Decision Read More »

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Here’s what you need to know about the changes to casual conversions

Our workforce has become increasingly “casualised” in recent years. In fact, over two million people are now employed casually in Australia. Casual workers are entitled to some, but not all of the benefits given to part-time and full-time workers. The trade off for a higher rate of pay (casual loading) is that they forgo paid

Here’s what you need to know about the changes to casual conversions Read More »

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2018 Wage Increase Decision from Fair Work Commission

The Fair Work Commission recently handed down its annual decision on the new national minimum wage to begin 1 July 2018. What do you need to do? Ensure you know the industrial instrument (modern award/agreement/award-free) and classification levels of each employee. Just because you pay them above the award rate does not mean that they

2018 Wage Increase Decision from Fair Work Commission Read More »

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6 Ways to Achieve Objective Leadership in the Workplace

Even with the highest quality of HR policies and practices, the application of these is open to subjectivity and bias.  Organisational change, recruitment, performance management and employment termination are all very important areas where objectivity is crucial to the right outcome for your business. Why Is Objectivity Important In Leadership? The reason objectivity is important

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How to create positive social change in the workplace

I recently attended a seminar on HR and leadership’s role in social change. One statistic really struck me: “Australian employees are losing $1.3 billion annually as a result of violence against women according to estimates.” This has stimulated my thinking about the areas where good leadership and human resource practices can influence social change as

How to create positive social change in the workplace Read More »

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Great leaders communicate, communicate and communicate

When it came to communicating with his employees, the newly appointed CEO of an accounting firm adhered to a rather tight-lipped philosophy: “Only tell them what they need to know.” He would give them swift and direct feedback when they did something wrong, but he was entirely silent when they met or exceeded his expectations.

Great leaders communicate, communicate and communicate Read More »

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Increase productivity with leadership coaching

Many elements make up the formula for employee engagement, and using one particular element in your leadership repertoire could drive your employee engagement and productivity. A national manufacturing company employing over 5,000 people saw their employee engagement increase by a massive 20% as a direct result of one program. They developed and implemented a leadership

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How to Exercise Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The most common attribute I have seen of all the great business leaders I have worked with and am inspired by is emotional intelligence. They have tremendous understanding of how they are perceived by others and how to adjust their approach for different people and situations. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage

How to Exercise Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Read More »

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How to deal with long term absences of Employees

There is always a risk for employers of valued employees being unable to work for a lengthy period of time. How do you as an employer handle such situations with compassion while considering your business needs and your employees’ rights and obligations? Long term absences of employees need to be handled differently depending on whether

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The risks of terminating employees

The greatest risk for employers in having to terminate someone’s employment is the employee disputing the termination through one of four methods of claim: Unfair Dismissal General Protections/ Adverse Actions Breach of Contract Discrimination Any of the methods of dispute can negatively impact businesses through; lost time, compensation and penalty costs (the compensation for unfair

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How to Develop a Comprehensive Induction Process

It might come as a surprise to some, but the most likely time for employee dissatisfaction, low productivity, and turnover to occur is during the first few months of employment.   A well thought-out employee induction process will combat this and will enable your new employees to become productive members of the organisation quickly.  

How to Develop a Comprehensive Induction Process Read More »

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Beware Successful Workplace Psychopaths

The superficially charming, highly ambitious employee (often leader) who pretends to listen attentively while dogmatically doing it their way and treading on whoever to achieve their ambitions. Have you worked with one of these people? Let me introduce you to the successful workplace psychopath. Often a successful corporate psychopath is described as a high-flyer with

Beware Successful Workplace Psychopaths Read More »

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Clearing the minefield of WH&S Obligations

Workplace Health and Safety obligations for businesses can be overwhelming and at times confusing. WH&S legislation differs from State to State and under legislation all people and companies who conduct a business or undertaking (PCBU) have a responsibility for WH&S. Penalties for WH&S offences are very high, and rightly so. For Category 1 offences under

Clearing the minefield of WH&S Obligations Read More »

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3 leadership lessons from award-winning entrepreneurs

Last year, I met with Jane Cay of online retail success story Birdsnest to discuss her journey of entrepreneurship and people leadership. Jane was modest in her achievement of Birdsnest being included on the BRW Great Workplaces list. Birdsnest was also awarded the Online Retailing Industry Award Best Online Customer Service Winner in 2015 and

3 leadership lessons from award-winning entrepreneurs Read More »

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Valuable Work – Strategies for a Great Place to Work

In researching my book, The CEO Secret Guide to Managing and Motivating Employees, I interviewed Mark Middleton about the strategies Radiation Oncology Centres (ROC) used to build a great workplace culture and be awarded as a BRW Best Place to Work. Mark is a keynote speaker at our half-day business leadership event on 21 June 2016

Valuable Work – Strategies for a Great Place to Work Read More »

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3. Mark Middleton, CEO, Icon Group

Mark Middleton is the highly-regarded CEO of Icon Group, which incorporates Icon Cancer Care, Radiation Oncology Centres (ROC), Epic Pharmacy and Slade Health. He is passionate about ensuring accessibility to world class cancer care for all Australians. In 2007, as the CEO of Radiation Oncology Centres (ROC) he led the highly successful clinical commencement of ROQ Toowoomba, repeated the success

3. Mark Middleton, CEO, Icon Group Read More »

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Systemising Your Winning Culture for Growth

CASE STUDY – TRISTAN WHITE, THE PHYSIO CO Extract from Claire Harrison’s book, The CEO Secret Guide to Managing and Motivating Employees. Overview In 2004, The Physio Co was a single person with a vision to change seniors’ healthcare forever. In 2015, The Physio Co, with more than 100 team members and 250,000 physiotherapy consultations per

Systemising Your Winning Culture for Growth Read More »

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5 Steps to Create a Succession Plan

Succession planning is a process of identifying employees who are capable of moving into the key positions within your business. It helps to identify future capacity and capability gaps, and address professional development requirements. It enables career discussions with employees. Why Develop A Succession Plan? Succession planning ensures the ongoing sustainability of your organisation. All

5 Steps to Create a Succession Plan Read More »

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How to calculate your employee turnover costs

Employee turnover costs can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Depending on the size of your business, the total costs of replacing an employee varies from 30-150% of their salary. This amount represents a substantial expense for any size business. Calculating the direct costs of employee turnover is usually quite straightforward, but there are many indirect

How to calculate your employee turnover costs Read More »

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Time poor? Try a recruitment and onboarding service

Not enough time to recruit that vacant position? Effective people management is an essential aspect of any growing and successful business as it involves the management of people and culture to achieve the desired organisational outcomes. Unfortunately however, many businesses lack the capacity to dedicate a number of staff to HR alone. Under such circumstances,

Time poor? Try a recruitment and onboarding service Read More »

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Employee Wellness Programs on a Shoestring Budget

EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAMS ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET Harrison Human Resources HR Consulting Team in Brisbane Do you work in a small to medium sized business and have been given the responsibility of implementing a health and wellness program into your workplace on a very minimal budget?  You might be wondering what initiatives you can implement

Employee Wellness Programs on a Shoestring Budget Read More »

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The Big Risk of Using LinkedIn for Recruitment

s LinkedIn the ultimate business networking and recruitment tool? The use of LinkedIn for recruitment heralded the end of head hunters and the start of cheaper and more efficient in-house recruitment . The dawn of professional online networking allowed employers and recruiters to reach out and connect directly with contacts quickly and easily whenever the need arose.

The Big Risk of Using LinkedIn for Recruitment Read More »

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How Do You Define Performance Management?

When staff find it hard to define performance management in a workplace, the result is an organisational culture that fails to create an engaged workforce. It’s impossible for staff to align themselves with your business’s core strategies, goals and objectives without effective feedback and communication strategies in place.   Investing time and resources into making

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Ditch the Least Loved HR jobs – Outsource HR Nightmares!

Why should you outsource HR tasks that eat up your day? It’s 3pm and you’ve finally cleared your inbox. Does coffee count as lunch? In the next two short hours, you’ll be drafting an employment ad, finishing those performance reviews, writing policy, working on that unfair dismissal complaint, dealing with the smokers (AGAIN), researching the

Ditch the Least Loved HR jobs – Outsource HR Nightmares! Read More »

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Retain Your Top Performing Employees in 4 Easy Steps

Holding the interest of your top performing employees has never been so essential to the successful outcomes of your business. As various industries move forward, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that good people drive great companies from the ground up. There’s a special excitement that comes from hiring a top performer, something just clicks in place

Retain Your Top Performing Employees in 4 Easy Steps Read More »

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The Secrets of Retaining Staff and Avoiding Costly Turnover

Consider the fact that each time a long time employee leaves a business, they take with them valuable knowledge and skills directly to your competitor which then leave a significant shortfall in the company. Staff turnover brings many costs to a business, and they are not all financially related. High levels of turnover that are

The Secrets of Retaining Staff and Avoiding Costly Turnover Read More »

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Businesses receive incentives to hire mature aged workers

The federal budget handed down last month brought a range of belt tightening measures set to impact many Australians, with the aim to bring the budget to surplus by 2024. While the cost cutting measures were condemned by many, there are a range of announcements made designed to boost the productivity of Australia’s workforce and

Businesses receive incentives to hire mature aged workers Read More »

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Employee Reference Checks

Reference checks are one of the best ways to verify information from a potential employee during the recruitment process, and are usually the last ‘line of defence’ before candidates are appointed to the role. Like every other HR function, a solid process will ensure that the right information is gathered from referees and what to

The Do’s and Don’ts of Employee Reference Checks Read More »

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5 Areas to Address in a Workplace Social Media Policy

Cases of employees losing their jobs for careless social media postings have been well documented in the media over the last few years, and sometimes have gone before the courts. With the self-publishing nature of social media and the desire to share opinions on all sorts of issues, comes the very real possibility that something

5 Areas to Address in a Workplace Social Media Policy Read More »

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Workplace bullying laws and what they mean for your business

Most employers should be aware of the new workplace bullying laws which came into effect on January 1 2014. The significant changes to the Government’s Fair Work Act (2009) means that there are many amendments to the way allegations of workplace bullying are dealt with which have significant implications for businesses. Employers can’t afford to have their

Workplace bullying laws and what they mean for your business Read More »

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Why High Employee Engagement Leads to Bigger Profits

Most managers and business owners understand that engaged employees are happy and productive employees. They deliver higher levels of customer service and make the business more money. These findings have been supported by decades of research, which have proven the link between employee engagement, happier customers and an increase in profits. Research by Right Management across Australia

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Sexting article in My Business magazine September 2013 by Claire Harrison

Check out this Sexting for Employers article written by Claire Harrison, Human Resources Consultant and Founder of Brisbane based HR consultancy firm, Harrison Human Resources.  The article was published in the September 2013 edition of My Business magazine. Sexting published article For More Information About Our Human Resources Consultancy Services Please Visit The Consultants Page. Claire HarrisonClaire Harrison

Sexting article in My Business magazine September 2013 by Claire Harrison Read More »

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Fair Work Amendment Act 2013

Key changes are around: Bullying complaints Family friendly measures Changes to working hours Penalty rates Union right of entry BULLYING COMPLAINTS Please see New Anti-Bullying Jurisdiction article for details of changes to bullying complaints. FAMILY FRIENDLY MEASURES The Amendment Act 2013 also introduced some new family friendly initiatives, including: FLEXIBLE WORK ARRANGEMENTS More groups of employees now

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Etiquette to Sexting – Do you have a Policy?

Following on from our blog post earlier in the week, the story of  Queensland State MP Peter “Coq Au Vin” Dowling has gained extensive media coverage nationally, including national newspapers, news programs, and even featuring in overseas news! A key consideration for all employers is – what does your mobile device policy say about texting, specifically

Etiquette to Sexting – Do you have a Policy? Read More »

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Is it legal to prohibit the recruitment of a spouse or relative?

Some employers have rules about the employment of spouses and relatives of existing employees. Are these rules legitimate? This is a topic we regularly receive questions about. Here are some of the key issues to consider in your recruitment policy. Q: We have been asked by our parent company in the US to introduce a policy

Is it legal to prohibit the recruitment of a spouse or relative? Read More »

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Industrial Relations tops survey of business priorities for next government

The top five business policy priorities for the next government should include industrial relations, cutting red tape and tax reforms, a new survey released this month says. Ai Group surveyed over 330 businesses in the manufacturing, services and construction sectors on their policy priorities. Industrial relations reform to boost productivity was the number one overall

Industrial Relations tops survey of business priorities for next government Read More »

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Why Facebook is not suitable for recruiting employees

It is common practice these days for recruitment screening processes to include scanning of job applicants’ Facebook postings for evidence of potential ‘bad behaviour’. But a recent US study suggests that employers who reject applicants on the basis of what they find on Facebook may be overlooking potentially good employees. The evidence indicates that there

Why Facebook is not suitable for recruiting employees Read More »

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5 Steps to High Performing Employees

At Claire’s recent presentation at the Redlands Business Expo she spoke about the 5 Steps to High Performing Employees. Following is a summary of Claire’s presentation. RESEARCH SAYS THAT HIGH PERFORMING BUSINESSES, IRRESPECTIVE OF STRATEGIC DIRECTION, BENEFITED FROM A FOCUS ON EMPLOYEES AND ORGANISATIONAL VALUES. RECRUIT The right job – what does the business require? The right

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New Workplace Gender Equality Reporting: keep your company on track

Another important changes all employers should be aware of relates to new gender equity reporting requirements. These are the amended reporting requirements under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 which resulted in the introduction of new reporting requirements due at the end of this month. The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 resulted in all private sector employers who

New Workplace Gender Equality Reporting: keep your company on track Read More »

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New Superannuation Contribution Rates

One important changes all employers should be aware of relates to superannuation.  The changes to the superannuation regime increase employers’ superannuation obligations starting from 1 July 2013 to compulsory contributions of 9.25%. SUPERANNUATION REGIME The changes introduced by way of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment Bill 2011 means that compulsory superannuation guarantee contributions will increase over a

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Is It Time to Outsource Human Resources?

Professional employer organizations help free up business owners’ time to focus on generating revenue. BY:TODDI GUTNER Most small-business owners know the frustration of spending more time than they want or should on non-revenue-generating activities. From payroll and human resource management to benefits and compensation, entrepreneurs can spend up to 40 percent of their precious day

Is It Time to Outsource Human Resources? Read More »

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Tony Abbott could make paid parental leave world class

BY KATE ASHMOR Bravo Bernard Keane for yesterday raising the issue of paid parental leave, an important government policy which directly affects millions of Australian women. As I’ve recently noted, it’s time for women to move beyond the ‘gender wars’ and use their unprecedented political power to leverage policy outcomes. The Coalition is offering a

Tony Abbott could make paid parental leave world class Read More »

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‘Era of Mutual Respect’: motivating Gen Y

A greater understanding of what drives the Generation Y can help employers address employee disengagement and create more positive synergies in the workplace, business leaders heard at a recent conference. At the Australian Chambers Business Congress in Melbourne (15–17 August), workplace relations and HR expert Avril Henry advised delegates that Australian employees are significantly disengaged

‘Era of Mutual Respect’: motivating Gen Y Read More »

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2012 Redland Business Awards

Our own Claire Harrison was the Chair of the Commonwealth Bank 2012 Redland Business Awards. The Redland City Chamber of Commerce proudly supports the recognition of local business achievement through their annual business awards presentation.  This was the 21st year and  they were renamed and revitalised to promote best practice, innovation and excellence in business. Claire emceed

2012 Redland Business Awards Read More »

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Adverse action — employer said worker was subby

An employer’s action in dismissing a painter and making reckless representation about his work position contravened the Fair Work Act 2009. The Federal Magistrates Court ordered the employer to pay compensation and a penalty. [Full text of this case: C v Crocker Builders Pty Ltd [2012] FMCA 677 (3 September 2012)] A painter working for a construction

Adverse action — employer said worker was subby Read More »

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About Me – Claire Harrison

Thanks to Fairfax for including Claire in this month’s edition of d’fine magazine.  To check it out follow this link:  Dfine 110912. Claire HarrisonClaire Harrison is the Founder and Managing Director of Harrisons, a flourishing HR consulting business that sprouted in 2009 from Claire’s passionate belief that inspiring leaders and superstar employees are the key success

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2012 Best Employers Announced – Lessons to Learn for All Employers

Aon Hewitt announced its 2012 Best Employers in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) survey, with Microsoft being named the Best of the Best for 2012. Fourteen organisations received the Aon Hewitt Best Employer accreditation in 2012 including Chorus New Zealand Limited, Express Data, FedEx Express (Australia), FedEx Express (New Zealand), Frucor Beverages Australia, Hilti Australia,

2012 Best Employers Announced – Lessons to Learn for All Employers Read More »

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High staff turnover? Check out your recruitment processes.

Retaining staff remains a key concern for Australian companies, and those with high turnovers need to examine their hiring procedures, according to specialist finance and accounting recruitment firm, Robert Half.   Robert Half director Kevin Jarvis said that despite the difficult talent market, retaining staff remains a key concern for Australian CFOs and finance directors.

High staff turnover? Check out your recruitment processes. Read More »

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Too Much Annual Leave Accrued: What Can Employers Do?

A common business problem for employers occurs when employees accrue excessive amounts of annual leave. This scenario is detrimental to both the employees and the organisation, but both sides being ‘at fault’ may be the cause.   WHAT CAUSES THE PROBLEM? One potential cause is organisation downsizing; and, thereby, requiring ‘more from less’ from the

Too Much Annual Leave Accrued: What Can Employers Do? Read More »

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Must know IR changes from 1 July 2012

While the commencement of the financial year usually means changes relating to taxation, this date also has implications with respect to workplace relations-related matters, including awards, unfair dismissals, paid parental leave and superannuation (particularly in relation to statutory monetary amounts). This article identifies a number of key workplace changes that will, or may, affect your

Must know IR changes from 1 July 2012 Read More »

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Mental illness in young men costs employers $237m a year

Mental illness in young men costs the Australian economy $3.27b in lost productivity each year, and employers directly $237m, according to a new report that encourages a greater role for employers in developing and delivering mental health initiatives. Commissioned by the Inspire Foundation and Ernest & Young, the report — Counting the Cost: The Impact

Mental illness in young men costs employers $237m a year Read More »

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Misconduct allegations – can we dismiss immediately?

Is an employer obligated to make an investigation into allegations of misconduct or can it proceed immediately to dismissal? Q: One of our employees has made a serious sexual allegation against another employee. The allegations are such that the company wishes to terminate immediately the alleged offender’s employment. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, are we

Misconduct allegations – can we dismiss immediately? Read More »

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