
The Do’s and Don’ts of Employee Reference Checks
Reference checks are one of the best ways to verify information from a potential employee during the recruitment process, and are usually the last ‘line

5 Areas to Address in a Workplace Social Media Policy
Cases of employees losing their jobs for careless social media postings have been well documented in the media over the last few years, and sometimes

Workplace bullying laws and what they mean for your business
Most employers should be aware of the new workplace bullying laws which came into effect on January 1 2014. The significant changes to the Government’s Fair

Why High Employee Engagement Leads to Bigger Profits
Most managers and business owners understand that engaged employees are happy and productive employees. They deliver higher levels of customer service and make the business

7 Interviewing Techniques for Employers
Bad hiring choices can be more than just an inconvenience – they can also cost your company a lot of money and time. Not only

Is your company LinkedIn to talent?
HARNESSING THE POWER OF LINKEDIN AND YOUR TALENT SEARCH Does your company have a presence on one of the most important job networks of all

Top tips for creating the perfect job ad
Author: Harrison HR | Blog The job ad is often something that unfortunately many small and medium businesses fail to get right. From this initial

Workplace Relations Seminars
TUESDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2013, BRISBANE CBD In a wrap up of the changes facing employers in 2014, this comprehensive and practical seminar will cover the

New Coalition Federal Government
With the September 2013 change in Federal Government from the ALP to the NLP it is opportune to review the NLP’s position on workplace relations.

Sexting article in My Business magazine September 2013 by Claire Harrison
Check out this Sexting for Employers article written by Claire Harrison, Human Resources Consultant and Founder of Brisbane based HR consultancy firm, Harrison Human Resources.
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